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Paul BeirneThe Way of the Heart--
Journeys of Transformation

Paul Beirne

Seeking the ox

Seeking the Ox

Finding the ox's track

Discovering the Tracks

Following the tracks

Sighting the Ox

Catching Ox

Catching the Ox

Taming the Ox

Taming the Ox

Riding the Ox home 

Riding the Ox Home



The Ox Forgotten, the Self is Alone


The Ox and the Self are Forgotten

  • Whip, rope, seeker and sought all merge into emptiness
  • The duality of subject and object, of self and reality is overcome and transcended
  • Emptiness, "No thing" remains
  • This is the moment of complete awakening, when "even space collapses".




Returning to the Source

Returning to the Marketplace

In the Market Place with Open Arms

These photos below to Talk 2 & 3

Yongdam Pavilion

Yongdam Pavilion in Mount Kumi, where Suun,

the founder of Dong-hak meditated

and experienced enlightenment.


A portrait of Su-un inside Yongdan Pavilion

and the Chinese character for 'Turtle',

which is all that remains of Su-un's writings.



Chi k ikum chi won wi dae gang

Si Cheonju cho hwa cheong yeong se pul mang man sa chi

Ultimate energy now within I long for it to pour into all living things

Bearing the Lord of Heaven, I shall become one with all creation

Remembering(the Lord) forever I shall discern the essence of all things



The Mystical Talisman: the Yeong-bu


He is the Way
Follow Him in the Land of Unlikeness
You will see rare beasts
And have unique adventures
He is the Truth
Seek Him in the Kingdom of Anxiety
You will come to a great city
That has expected your return for years.
He is the Life
Love Him in the World of the Flesh
And at your marriage
All its occasions shall dance for joy.

A Christmas Oratorio
W. H. Auden



Next - Tranformation of the Heart Talk 1


Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching
Translated, with introduction,  by D.C. Lau
Penguin Classics series, first published 1963

Images taken from photographs of David Mason
follow link also to David's San-Shin website

Note there are another set of 10 Ox Paintings at this link

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