Dear CSD Members,

We are pleased to attach the flyer for our National Gathering to be held on Saturday 30 April 2016 in Parkville, Melbourne.

The event will take place from 9.30am (arrivals and registrations, for a 10am start) till 3pm, followed by afternoon tea.

Our key speaker is Br Tony Hempenstall cfc and he will guide us through a day on our theme 'The Unfolding of Love: Implications for Spiritual Direction in the 21st Century'. Tony is a Christian Brother, Teacher, Spiitual Director and Counsellor. He studied spirituality and the art of Spiritual Direction in the United States and has spent many years working as a spiritual director and counsellor, including facilitating retreats and workshops on the spiritual journey, the mid-life years, and more recently, the Emerging Spirituality growing out of The New Story of Faith. He is presently engaged in managing The Archer retreat centre in Brisbane. Please see the flyer for more information on Tony's presentation.

The Treacy Centre is our delightful venue - an 1880's mansion surrounded by beautiful, manicured gardens. It has excellent facilities and offers delicious food and refreshments, which will be served to us throughout the day.

We have set up a Trybooking link for easy payment by credit card - please go to:

We are also happy to receive registrations by cheque through the mail (please see the flyer for details) or contact me to make payments via online banking.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday 30 April for a great event!

Kind regards,

Cecilia Rogers
CSD Australia
P O Box 171
Surrey Hills VIC 3127

Contact for information about future events.



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