CSD Australia - Conferences

2014 eConference: The Trinty: A Deep Place of Listening
2012 Conference: Further Steps on the Way of the Heart. Melbourne

2011 eConference: The Way of the Heart : Journeys of Transformation
2010 Conference: Hobart
2007 Conference: NSW
2005 Conference: Victoria
2004 Conference: SA
2003 Conference: Queensland
2002 Conference: Tasmania

Index of Articles

For the full list of published Articles click here

2014 eConference
The Trinity : A Place of Deep Listening

Thursday 12 June 2014, 9.30am – 4pm

Below is a Screenshot of the eConference underway.

About Dr Mary Coloe PBVM - Keynote Speaker……

Dr Mary Coloe is a Presentation Sister and Associate Professor in New Testament at Yarra Theological Union, within the University of Divinity. Prior to her teaching at YTU she taught at the Australian Catholic University for over 20 years, where she continues to be an Honorary Fellow. Mary has also taught overseas in Boston, Berkeley and Jerusalem. She has over forty publications, primarily on the Gospel of John and has recently been appointed by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity to be on a Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Church of Christ.
Further details can be found on her website http://marycoloe.org.au

About the Panelists ……

Joan Wright Howie is currently the minister at Habitat Uniting Church in Canterbury/Hawthorn and spiritual director. She is also on the Sentir faculty and teaches with the WellSpirngs Centre spiritual direction formation team and a graduate certificate course in supervision. Joan was ordained in 1997 her first parish was in Burwood. She worked for the Uniting Church in a resource development position while training as a spiritual director. She went on to ministry with Fitzroy Uniting Church and then to the Uniting Church Theological College where she worked as Spiritual Formation Advisor and completed her MA in Spiritual Direction. Her topic was 'the embodied experience of Grace as maternal embrace'. Joan has three school aged children and is married to David. She enjoys gardening, keeping chickens and watching her kids play sport.

Peter Hay is a teacher and spiritual director formed through Sentir’s Arrupe program. He has had many years experience as a secondary school teacher in English and Text and Traditions, as well as leading the outreach program at St Kevin’s College in Toorak holding the role of Head of Faith and Mission. In recent years Peter has been the Director of Edmund Rice Centre, Amberley in Lower Plenty, overseeing the various formation programs for students and those involved in Edmund Rice schools and ministries. Peter brings to today’s conference a wealth of experience as a teacher of biblical studies, a formator and a teacher of spirituality. Peter’s interests also include exploration of multi faith connections and the universe story.

Welcome - Tim Moloney CFC, President of CSD
Facilitator - Chris Chaplin MSC

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Conference September 2012

Further Steps on the Way of the Heart

The 2012 CSD Conference was held at the James Knox Centre, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne, on September 21.

Brian Gallagher welcomed participants and introduced the conference theme as a follow-up to the eConference in 2011. Sue Gesell led the opening prayer; Kevin Hennessy facilitated the panel and the participants’ group sharing and feedback.

Kate Garrone, spiritual director, counsellor and adult educator, spoke of her personal experience of motherhood and birth-giving as an image of The Way of the Heart and the inner transformation this asks. Peter Malone, theologian and media analyst, called on his experience with other cultures and religious traditions, together discovering the Way in cinema stories and images.
the Conference panel;
Peter Malone, Kate Garrone,
Pia Pagotto, Yvonne Harte

After reflection and group sharing on focus questions, the panel was invited to respond and further discuss the Way. Then Pia Pagotto and Yvonne Harte, spiritual directors, both spoke of their personal experience and its impact on their ministry of spiritual direction. This led to further group sharing and discussion and a concluding ritual.

The full-day conference concluded with the AGM of CSD Australia and the election of a new chair, Tim Moloney cfc. The interim executive - Brian Gallagher msc, Yvonne Harte rsj and Kevin Hennessy cp – have retired.

The retiring executive;
Yvonne Harte,
Kevin Hennessy,
Brian Gallagher

For further information or membership of CSD, please contact:

Tim Moloney, chair chair@csdaustralia.com

Cecilia Rogers, secretary secretary@csdaustralia.com     back to top of page      

2011 eConference
The Way of the Heart : Journeys of Transformation

Enter eConference site

The CSD e conference The Way of the Heart was held nationally in June 2011. Principal speaker was Paul Beirne. Brian Gallagher hosted the conference and Jill McCorquadale facilitated.

Calling on the riches of several religious traditions, Christian and other, Paul’s presentation will focus on the universal quest to discover and follow our way – to truth and to life.  

These presentations can be found under Articles on this website.

About the Speakers……

Paul Beirne is Professor of Comparative Religion and Dean of the Paul BeirneMelbourne College of Divinity. Paul worked as a missionary in Korea for many years, and undertook extensive research into Korean religious traditions. He has a background in spiritual direction (Heart of Life Centre) and East Asian studies (Yonsei University, Seoul; Catholic Theological Union, Chicago; and the University of Queensland).

Paul's particular interest is the cross-fertilisation of different religious traditions.

Jill McCorquadale
Jill McCorquadale, long-time member of the Conference of
Spiritual Directors, is an experienced spiritual director and

Peter Malone is a theologian and media analyst, recently awarded an honorary Doctorate by the Melbourne College of Divinity. Peter taught at the National Pastoral Institute and Yarra Theological Union, before moving to the International Catholic Organisation for Cinema (OCIC) and the World Catholic Association for Communication (SIGNIS) twenty-one years ago. He has been world President of both associations.

Kate Garrone is a spiritual director and psychologist. She currently works for the Sisters of Mercy, growing an Australasian network of young adults committed to justice and compassion. Kate is married to Brian; they have two young active boys and are expecting a third baby in July.

Brian Gallagher is well known to CSD members through his ministry as a spiritual director, supervisor and educator, principally at the Heart of Life Spirituality Centre in Melbourne. Brian is currently the chair person of the Conference of Spiritual Directors, Australia.

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2010 CSD Conference

HobartThe 2010 CSD Conference was held 17th - 20th June.

Leisure Inn
Macquarie St., Hobart.


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Index of Articles

Way of the Heart

  1. Way of the Heart Graphic summary Paul Beirne
  2. Way of the Heart Talk 1 Paul Beirne
  3. Way of the Heart Talk 2 Paul Beirne
  4. Way of the Heart Talk 3 Paul Beirne
  5. Conclusion Way of the Heart Brian Gallagher MSC

General Articles

  1. Living Spirituality by Brian Gallagher msc

If you want to add an article then email it to the Chair

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